Soft Panforte
9,00€ / 230 gr
Discover or rediscover our Panforte Gluten Free: created without the use of flour and therefore suitable for those who are gluten intolerant and for those with coeliac disease. This variant respects tradition as the addition of flour is minimal in the original recipe and its absence does not substantially alter the taste of the product.
Discover or rediscover our Panforte Gluten Free: created without the use of flour and therefore suitable for those who are gluten intolerant and for those with coeliac disease. This variant respects tradition as the addition of flour is minimal in the original recipe and its absence does not substantially alter the taste of the product.

Ingredienti: Scorze di arancio candite e cedro candito (Frutta, Sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, Saccarosio, Acidificante: acido citrico), Mandorle, Zucchero (zucchero, amido di mais), Miele, Miscela di spezie, Ostie (Fecola di patate).
Allergeni in grassetto

Soft Panforte is a confectionery product, obtained from the processing and subsequent baking in the oven of a mixture made from the best ingredients including candied fruit, almonds, sugar, honey and spices. We make sure that our ingredients are always fresh and come from the best farms. The almonds we use are of the best quality and are selected by hand to avoid any possible impurities. They are of Italian origin, mainly from Apulia, soft, tasty and rich in essential oils that define their aroma. The candied fruit is processed with traditional techniques, in order to reach an optimal level of softness and sweetness. It is the candied fruit that helps us to bind the Panforte because we do not use flour in this product. The taste of soft Panforte is sweet and delicate. The mixture of spices (cinnamon, mace and nutmeg) that we use is the same as the Panforte Margherita.

Componente |
U.M. |
In 100 g |
Energia |
Kcal |
443 |
Kjoule |
1856 |
Grassi |
g |
19,1 |
di cui acidi grassi saturi |
1,9 |
Carboidrati |
g |
60,5 |
di cui zuccheri |
g |
50 |
Proteine |
g |
6,2 |
Sale |
g |
0,7 |